Happy 4th of July!!!! So yesterday I struggled with working out. When I say struggle, I mean I did not want to work out at all. The night before was my mom's birthday and we had chinese food. I don't know if the food made me have a restless night sleep but when I woke up I was still tired. But being tired and having kids do not mix so I had to buck up and start my day. I ran a ton of errands and I knew I needed to work out but I could not motivate myself. Finally, when the kids were in bed I finally felt like I could do it but I was tired. So instead I plopped myself down in front of the computer and started looking at other blogs. These blogs were about working out and eating right and it totally motivated me. I ran for 30 minutes ( well actually run/walk). When I was done, it felt so good. Side note - I hate running! I have to at some point just push through the pain and just keep running. Why can't I like running?! I want to but then I don't. I have the mud run which is also a 5k in 13 days. I have to run. Any suggestions on how to start liking it?
After I worked out, Ryan and I watched "Taken". It was a little unrealistic but I enjoyed watching it. But it was a little disturbing too because of what happens to the girls. It really is happening today. I won't ruin it for any one but you will understand what I am talking about.
Right now I am going to try to run then we are headed over to my parents house to swim. I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!
Basic Crepes
13 hours ago
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